The Polarity Connection

This is an experiential introduction to the role of Polarity Therapy in clinical massage practice. Massage therapists will learn how to develop a more wholistic perspective, increase therapeutic effectiveness with less effort, and offer a uniquely powerful, hands-on session to clients. We will also discuss the history of energy medicine as it pertains to modern bodywork. Non-professionals can learn skills to keep themselves and their families healthy, and pain free.

For two days, you will stay present and work from the heart as you learn polarity techniques which blend easily into massage or physical therapy practice. The focus of this class is learning and practicing an integrative polarity bodywork session.

Core benefits

Learn to apply basic principles of energy medicine in a one-hour bodywork session.

Why take this two-day class?

By participating in this class, you will be able to :

  • Demonstrate working from the heart and staying connected with your client
  • Discuss the fundamental techniques of energetic touch therapy
  • Demonstrate one or more energy exercises (polarity yoga)
  • Discuss the theory and basic concepts of Polarity Therapy
  • List the Ayurvedic five elements
  • Discuss the initial interview and energetic assessment
  • Perform an Integrative Polarity Bodywork session with guidance and supervision


$350 early registration (includes manual) – Semi-Private Mastery Class – $450

Continuing Education: 16 Contact Hours

“The Polarity Connection” is approved for the following:

  • Florida Massage Therapists – (CE Broker Tracking # 20-591509)
  • NCBTMB – nationally certified bodyworkers and LMT’s in states that accept NCBTMB approval

Currently Scheduled Classes

Available Classes (Click or call 330.701.8780 for more information)

Randall W. Gibson is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. (Provider #325713-00)