Our Massage CE Seminars

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Integrative Bodywork

Integrative Bodywork

Integrative Bodywork is a wholistic approach to touch therapy which can include techniques from a variety of methods. The integrative bodywork session may involve active listening and can draw from neuromuscular or medical massage, myofascial release, acupressure, craniosacral therapy and many other forms of healing.

About Integrative Bodywork

Individual Integrative Bodywork Classes

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy works with energy as the foundation of health. It includes energetic exercise, energetic nutrition, mental attitude and energetic bodywork as viable methods of unblocking and balancing the body’s subtle energy systems. These seminars are for bodyworkers who want to develop themselves personally and blend energy medicine into their practice.

About Polarity Therapy

Individual Polarity Classes

Training Your Touch

Training Your Touch

Training Your Touch is a course in refining and expanding your awareness, sensitivity, and palpation skills. Regardless of your chosen path or your favorite method, the one skill that can truly set you apart from other health practitioners is your mastery of palpation.

About Training Your Touch

Individual Training Your Touch Classes

Training Your Brain

Mindfulness Empowerment

Mindfulness meditation is a reinvention of Buddhist meditation which involves training your brain to be able to focus more efficiently. The widespread popularity of the mindfulness movement stems partly from an ever-growing mountain of evidence supporting the health benefits of this ancient technique. Reducing stress is just the beginning.

About Mindfulness Meditation

Individual Mindfulness Based Classes

Online Classes

Online Classes

Individual Online Classes

Randall W. Gibson is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. (Provider #325713-00)