Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a wholistic system of energy medicine developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, D.O., D.C., N.D. Although well versed in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Naturopathic medicine, Dr. Stone felt that something was lacking in the Western approach to healing.

Determined to find the missing piece, he spent fifty years searching out and studying medical practices, healing techniques, exercise systems and health related philosophies in a variety of cultures. The “missing piece”, he discovered, was an awareness of “energy” in the body. Most traditional forms of medicine focus on a subtle bio-energy system as the underlying foundation of health. This important concept is strangely absent in Western cultures.

Dr. Stone took what he saw as the most essential components of Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, yoga and hermetic philosophy. He then synthesized these, along with his Western medical knowledge, into a complete health care system, which he called “Polarity Therapy”. He chose the term “Polarity” to express the fundamental idea that energy moves in predictable patterns between positive and negative poles through a neutral field, and that this movement of energy forms the underlying basis for life as we know it. These principles, applied to the human body, are in total accord with our modern understanding of physics.

Polarity Therapy includes energetic exercise, energetic nutrition, communication and energetic bodywork as viable methods of unblocking and balancing the body’s subtle energy systems. This multi-faceted approach to healing makes Polarity a very powerful system. You’ll find the principles just as important for helping yourself and your family as they are in your professional life.

How are Polarity Healthcare classes unique?

Polarity Therapy classes with Randall Gibson are a unique experience. They are based on polarity therapy, focused on the myofascial system and grounded in the latest research regarding energy medicine and bodywork. These classes integrate theories and concepts from polarity therapy with methods such as craniosacral therapy, shiatsu and myofascial release. The goal is to help students experience the wisdom and depth of Dr. Stone’s teaching while emphasizing hands-on techniques which have proven themselves to be effective. Participants come away with skills which are practical and powerful.

The Polarity Therapy classes, while open to everyone, are oriented toward bodyworkers and a certain level of skill with touch therapy is helpful. Massage therapists, physical therapists and other hands-on practitioners can enhance palpation skills and therapeutic effectiveness regardless of their specific type of practice. This course is approved by the American Polarity Therapy Association.

How it Works

Since the practitioner is affecting powerful energetic systems which are closely associated with the nervous system, the results of a polarity session can be much more profound than those of physical massage. Emotions or memories sometimes surface and the client may experience a dramatic release of tension or trauma from the body. More typically, clients report enjoying a very deep state of relaxation, often accompanied by new insights or awareness. As with massage, some clients come for relaxation, some come for preventive health maintenance and others come for relief from illness, discomfort or energetic imbalance. Sample this powerful modality with an experienced therapist and presenter. 

Individual Classes


Randall W. Gibson is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. (Provider #325713-00)